Words Worth Thinking

And Speaking, And Feeling, And Believing

Change Your Words, Change Your Life

You are the only one thinking your thoughts,
creating your life.

When you begin to understand this, 

you will be able to begin to take control of 

your thoughts and words, your life.

Affirmations are an important part of creating your life,

for they help you to move past the blocks. The doubt.

They help to bring you to a feeling in your mind of faith

I Am Blessed

There are many blessings in everyday life. Take moments throughout your day to stop, breathe and feel them. When you take the time to notice them, they appear easily. FEEL: The Unconditional Love of...

Heaven Is a Peace Filled Mind

There is the thought of Heaven being on earth. You can experience this heaven, for it lives within you. You always have the choice of seeing the good. You always have the choice of joy, love, the...

I Am the Creator of My Life

You are the master of your life. Understanding that you create what shows up in your life, with your thoughts, words, beliefs and emotions is a freeing moment. Then changing what you say, how you feel...

I Am Who I Am, and I Like Me

Don’t let the chatter of others get into your head. Sometimes we let others influence our thoughts, even when we declare that what they think does not matter. If you are having times when...

I Am Magical

What a fun affirmation this is. To walk through your day, repeating this, and really feeling it, will surely bring magic into your life. Whatever it is that you think magical could be. Stay light...

I Create The Beauty In My Life

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What is beautiful to one person, might not be noticed by another. It is up to you to decide what beauty means to you. For there is beauty in everything. When you...